There are a select few MMORPGs which I seem to always ‘go back’ to. Games that whenever I’m really bored I re-download, install and play. Just yesterday I downloaded Gates of Andaron again. There’s really nothing too special about Gates of Andaron, as like Runes of Magic and Allods Online, it’s a WoW clone. But for some reason I always go back to it. I really can’t explain why, I guess I just like the gameplay. I do have some major complaints with with the publisher though – most notably the lack of policing in game. There are so many spammers in the game constantly filling up the chat channels with advertisements.
Gates of Andaron aside though, there are a bunch of MMOs which for some reason I always go back to. Another one of those games for me is GunZ, by ijji. This one isn’t exactly an MMORPG, as it’s an MMO Shooter, but it’s definitely one of the best in the genre. I love the fast paced gameplay and unique set of weapons in the game. How many other MMOFPS games are there with anime-like gameplay where you can run on wall and deflect bullets with your sword? Not too many. I also like that the game has low system requirements, so I can play it on any of my computers, even my laptop. Though I recommend staying away from all MMO shooters on a laptop, as you NEED a mouse and keyboard to do well in these games.
Another free to play game that I go back to regularly is FreeStyle Street Basketball. This one is probably the most surprising, as I don’t even like sports games, so I find it interesting that I love this sports MMO so much. I guess it’s the simplistic and fun gameplay. I mean, I find other sports MMOs like Fantasy Tennis, Football Superstars and Smash Online to be really boring. I really don’t know though. I do know that the game is well worth checking out and if you haven’t played it, go on GameKiss and download it right now. You won’t regret it.
Are there any free MMORPGs that you guys go back to? If so, leave them in the comments below! =]. Aside from the games I mentioned, I also go back to Diablo 2 every now and then.
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